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Spinal Cord Injuries

Fighting For What You Deserve Is OUR PRIORITY

Cincinnati Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Since spinal cord injuries almost always result in permanent harm, they are generally considered catastrophic. Even though promising stem cell treatments are on the horizon, at present damage to the spinal cord cannot be undone. If you have suffered the life-altering reality of a spinal cord injury due to the negligence, recklessness, or malice of another party, in addition to the finest medical care you require outstanding legal counsel. If you are in or near the Cincinnati and Dayton area, or Nothern Kentucky you will find no more skillful or empathic personal injury attorneys than those at Jones Kahan Law, LLC.

How Our Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Can Help You Recover the Compensation You Deserve

We are well-schooled in every aspect of personal injury law, and we have a successful track record both in and out of the courtroom. Therefore we know precisely how to approach your case. Once we gather evidence, carefully check the site of the accident or assault and examine your medical records, we will determine which strategy will work best. We also have connections with specialists in many fields (e.g. automotive, healthcare, engineering) should we need testimony on your behalf. Our sharp legal team is always at the ready to assist you in navigating legal and insurance bureaucracies in order to provide you with justice and we never charge you any attorneys’ fees until we win you damages.

The Nature of Spinal Cord Injuries

When the nerves of the spinal cord are damaged, the location and severity of the injury determine the prognosis. Usually, the region below the injury is impacted, either in terms of sensation or mobility or both. Thus, the higher on spinal cord your body is injured, the more catastrophic the injury is likely to be. On the positive side of this tragic event, technological advances are making amazing inroads into enhancing mobility and sensation for victims of spinal cord injuries.

Spinal Cord Injuries Cause Myriad Long-Term Physical Problems

Not only do spinal cord injuries often result in paraplegia or quadriplegia, but they may also result in:
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Numbness or pins and needles on the skin, affecting the perception of heat, cold, or pressure
  • Circulatory problems like high blood pressure or blood clots
  • Respiratory difficulties due to affected abdominal and chest muscles
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Sexual dysfunction
Because the effects of a spinal cord injury is so widespread, you need an astute personal injury attorney to fight for your future.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Fortunately, spinal cord injuries are relatively rare. Statistics are little comfort, however, if you are one of the unlucky few. While vehicular accidents are by far the most common cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States, accounting for nearly half of new injuries annually, other common causes of such injuries are:

  • Falls, especially for individuals over the age of 65
  • Violent assaults with guns or knives
  • Dives into shallow water (the most frequent sport-related cause of spinal cord injuries)
  • Contact sports such as football and hockey
  • Construction accidents
Although it is certainly possible for any of these to be caused by the victim him/herself, in a great many cases, the blame lies elsewhere, for example with the party that:
  • Was at fault for your car accident
  • Did not maintain his/her property safely (premises liability)
  • Assaulted you without provocation
  • Did not mark the depth of a swimming pool with a legible sign
  • Did not supervise school sports adequately
  • Stacked heavy objects dangerously in a store or warehouse
  • Let improperly maintained equipment be used on a construction project

At Jones Kahan Law, we make it our business to investigate your case fully. Once we determine your spinal cord injury is largely the fault of another person or entity, we will fight hard to get you the financial compensation that will help you restart your life.

Ohio Is a Modified Comparative Negligence State

According to Ohio law, more than one party can be held responsible for an accident. If, for example, you are found to have been inebriated at the time of the accident, you may be held accountable for some percentage of fault for your own injury. If the court determines that you are 20 percent to blame, you will only receive 80 percent of the damages awarded. If, for instance, we win $1 million for you, in this example, you would actually receive $800,000. You should be aware that in states like Ohio in which comparative fault is “modified,” if you are found to be more than 50 percent at fault for the accident in which you were hurt, you will not be awarded any damages at all.

Damages We Will Fight to Win for You and Your Family

Jones Kahan’s attorneys know that spinal cord injuries change the dynamic of your whole family in terms of financial support, personal relationships, abilities to help with countless chores, and just about every aspect of life. We will do our very best to make sure that you win all that you are entitled to, including:

Economic damages for:

  • Medical and rehabilitation costs
  • Lost income, present and future
  • Property damage
  • Necessary long-term healthcare
  • Payment for household services you can no longer perform
Non-economic damages for:
  • Physical pain
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent disability
  • Permanent disfigurement

In cases in which the defendant caused your spinal cord injury through extreme recklessness or intentional malice, our keen personal injury attorneys may be able to obtain punitive damages as well as the compensatory damages listed above.