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Post: Complex personal injury claims: How lawyers can address financial complexities during every step of the process

Complex personal injury claims: How lawyers can address financial complexities during every step of the process

Calculating the full extent of the financial damages during a personal injury dispute can be a complex process — and it becomes more complicated when the individual is a business owner. How can you quantify the damages accurately when a business owner can no longer operate their business at its normal capacity?

Lawyers need to address many financial considerations throughout every stage of a complex personal injury claim to accurately quantify the losses and prepare for complex trials. A forensic accountant can provide the financial knowledge you need to navigate your case with confidence.

Calculating the financial damages of a personal injury is a complex process — and lawyers must consider a variety of factors to quantify the damages accurately. This process becomes even more challenging when calculating the financial impact of an injury to a business owner. A severe injury may take them out of the company for an extended period, and profits may decrease without their skills and knowledge. Alternatively, business profits may not decrease, and it may be necessary to critique the amounts they have claimed.

We’ve summarized the key financial considerations that lawyers need to address throughout every step of the process — whether making a claim or disputing a claim outcome. We’ll also examine when expert knowledge may be required to help navigate the financial complexities of a personal injury dispute to enable you to present your case from a position of confidence.

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