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Post: 10 Halloween Safety Tips to Protect Your Kids

10 Halloween Safety Tips to Protect Your Kids

Halloween is a highlight of the year for kids—but this delightfully spooky holiday also comes with an increased risk of injury. Protect your young trick-or-treaters by following these essential tips for a safe and fun Halloween:

  1. Practice costume safety.

    Make sure all costumes, wigs, and accessories are fire-resistant, as your kids could encounter anything from jack-o-lantern candle flames to a neighbor’s bonfire while trick-or-treating. An ill-fitting or uncomfortable costume can also make or break your child’s Halloween. Try before you buy, and ensure that the costume doesn’t pose a tripping hazard.

  2. Choose makeup wisely.

    Many kids have sensitive skin. Choose nontoxic cosmetic products and test makeup on a small area first to see if any irritation occurs. At the end of the night, follow the product’s instructions to fully remove all makeup.

  3. Rethink the mask.

    Masks can obscure kids’ vision, making it difficult for them to see traffic or tripping hazards. Instead, plan a mask-free costume—the options are endless!

  4. Prepare for the scare.

    Especially for young children, Halloween sights and sounds can be intense. It may help to have a discussion in advance about the difference between reality and “make believe.” Reassure kids that it’s OK to feel nervous. If they aren’t ready for the haunted house this year, maybe they can try next year.

  5. Give kids a refresher on traffic safety.

    In the excitement of the holiday, even older kids may forget the traffic-safety rules they follow every day. Sadly, the consequences can be deadly—children have a greater chance of being fatally injured by a car on Halloween than on any other day. So, it’s extra important to remind kids how to cross the street safely.

  6. Increase your child’s visibility.

    Halloween costumes often feature dark colors, making kids harder to see at night. Choose a lighter-colored costume if possible, and pass out glow sticks or use reflective tape to ensure kids are visible to motorists.

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